Monday, March 30, 2009

Rough Abstract Outline

Hi everyone. I’m not done my abstract yet but will soon be. I’m just wondering if anyone can see anything to improve on it. I haven’t gone in depth with everything yet as I’m curious to know what everyone thinks.

This report will look at Sun Peaks Resort and identify ways to improve the current sustainability. Some of the Case studies that will be looked at are from more successful ski developments, such as Whistler, BC, and Vail, Colorado and comparing them with Sun Peaks. The Six Overchanging Principles will be looked at in great depth as they are key elements to sustainability. The six include: capitalizing on the site, connecting the flows, layering the systems, creating a centre, economy of means, and making it home (I plan on going into much greater detail here, discussing some of the pros and cons about the resort and what other more successful resorts have done.)

I’m not too far on this abstract but if anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Updated Planning Outline

Project: Determining possible ways of improving the developments planning of Sun Peaks Resort.

Method: To determine how the development of Sun Peaks could be a more sustainable resort, items of the project that will be looked at are:

1) What are the everyday services located at the resort for the residence to get there daily needs?

2) Who is the main target for this resort to maintain its stability?

3) Is there motivation for people to use the transportation to, from, and around the resort?

4) What are some of the green practices applied to Sun Peaks?

5) Do the consumers of the resort have an influence on the sustainability of the resort?

6) Case studies through out other bigger more successful ski resorts will be researched, such as Whistler BC, and Vail Colorado. These will be looked at and compared to Sun Peaks to see how they differ.

Special Problem: A huge problem with this project will be finding proper information. Most of this information will be coming directly from individuals around the community and from other more successful ski resorts.

Also: Secondary problems could consist of:
1) Were there any non-green practices to help speed up the process of developing the resort,
2) Weather or not the locals living at the resort have made it a sustainable one, and
3) How could the resorts planning be made more profitable.


Hey everyone. Let me know what you guys think of my graphic and if I should add any changes to it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thesis Question

Thesis Question: "Determining possible ways of improving the developments planning of Sun Peaks Resort."

If anyone can think of anything to make my thesis question sound better, it would greatly be appreciated.


Hi everyone. I've just added some pictures of the current village at the bottom of this page. I'm planning on taking some more in depth pictures of the resort next time I'm up there.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Old Planning Outline

Project: To determine how the planning of Sun Peaks Resort could have been made more sustainable for future uses.

Method: To determine how the development of Sun Peaks could be a more sustainable resort, items of the project that will be looked at are:

1) What are the everyday services located at the resort for the residence to get there daily needs?

2) Who is the main target for this resort to maintain its stability?

3) Is there motivation for people to use the transportation to, from, and around the resort?

4) Plenty of case studies through out other bigger more successful ski resorts will be researched, looked at and compared to Sun Peaks to see how they differ.

Special Problem: A huge problem with this project will be finding proper information. Most of this information will be coming directly from individuals around the community and from other more successful ski resorts.

Also: Secondary problems could consist of:
1) Were there any non-green practices to help speed up the process of developing the resort,
2) Weather or not the locals living at the resort have made it a sustainable one, and
3) How could the resorts planning be made more profitable.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Planing Sun Peaks to be made more sustainable.

Hi everyone.
I've created a blog looking for help to make an Applied Reasearch Project. I just started reasearching "How could the planning of Sun Peaks be made more sustainabe (longer lasting and more profitable)", meaning moving the layout around, adding addictional new items of some sort or just anything that will help the resort out on its own. I'm just looking for help to find information and facts. Please leave me any weblinks, book artciles and where they could be found and any addictional information.
Thanks, Ian.