Monday, March 2, 2009

Old Planning Outline

Project: To determine how the planning of Sun Peaks Resort could have been made more sustainable for future uses.

Method: To determine how the development of Sun Peaks could be a more sustainable resort, items of the project that will be looked at are:

1) What are the everyday services located at the resort for the residence to get there daily needs?

2) Who is the main target for this resort to maintain its stability?

3) Is there motivation for people to use the transportation to, from, and around the resort?

4) Plenty of case studies through out other bigger more successful ski resorts will be researched, looked at and compared to Sun Peaks to see how they differ.

Special Problem: A huge problem with this project will be finding proper information. Most of this information will be coming directly from individuals around the community and from other more successful ski resorts.

Also: Secondary problems could consist of:
1) Were there any non-green practices to help speed up the process of developing the resort,
2) Weather or not the locals living at the resort have made it a sustainable one, and
3) How could the resorts planning be made more profitable.


  1. Hey Ian, so I referred this book to a couple other people but it seems like you all have similar topics... maybe you could share it.. or steal it before they get ahold of it haha. Well anyways its about sustainable design of communities. It has articles about "practicle detail" "and big visions" not too too sure what that means but take a look it might help.

    Urban sustainability.Preview Planning, Oct2004, Vol. 70 Issue 9, p47-47, 1/3p; (AN 14447673)

  2. Thanks Jill, i'll look into that.

  3. Hey Ian
    I would talk to David Wise about your project he would have some good input, and also applying the things we are learning in 240 to your project would be a good idea.
    Have a good one

  4. Thanks Dan. Ill have to talk to David on Monday.

  5. Hey Ian. I rode the chair lift a few weeks ago with Nancy Greene the director of skiing at Sun Peaks and the Canadian athlete of the century! I was asking her about future development, lift services in particular. She was sayin that out of the lifts that are planned for the future, none of the ones to access good skiing were priority. She said that the lifts on the tiny hill to the east of the village were priority because more higer value, ski in/out real estate could be built. If you want to ask her more I got her number: 250-578-7454.

  6. Thanks Curt. Ill make sure i contact her this week.
